Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Tan Malaka

Tan Malaka is one of the actor behind Indonesia independence in 1945. his thought and action to make Indonesia 100% independent was inspired our first president, Ir. Soekarno and vice president Bung Hatta to make a big movement for Indonesia . 

He was a communist, an idealist thinker and radical fighter. His bravery struggle Indonesia against colonizer always made him stuck in difficult situation. Moved from one prison to other prison made his identity withheld like a fugitive. but thats the real hero is :)

I just knowing this figure from one of my friend (same faculty with me). he is Tan Malaka's big fan. and from him, i know lots of things from this historical figure. Today I just brought his controversial-useful book titled "Massa Actie" or in Indonesian "Masa Aksi" written on 1926 by him.

I'm proud Indonesia has a big figure like Tan Malaka. I'm not his big fan, anyway.. but I just adore his cleverness and also his amazing willpower to make us (Indonesia) finally being free like this.
there is something I disagree with his opinion. but I think theres nothing's perfect in this world. we can just copy his hard work and apply in our daily life.  

3 komentar:

  1. nice review! kamu menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan sangat baik *sirik* hihi.
    semua tulisan kamu bagus, isna. dan yang satu ini yang paling aku suka :)aku juga suka Tan Malaka, sedikit tahu dari goenawan mohamad, karena kemarin ada teater Tan Malaka. kamu tahu?
    sukaaaaa... *sambil lirik pengen liat bukunya*

  2. haha terimakasih ka anya :)
    tapi aku gabisa tuh describe terlalu banyak kayak di blog nya strawberryicecream .hihi
    pengen liat buku massa actie nyaa ?boleh2 nanti aku bawa dehh ~

  3. halo.. selamat siang...
    kebetulan saya lagi baca tentang tan malaka di kask*us
    nah trus ada yang membahas buku " massa actie "
    saya search di goolge dan ada versi indonesiannya " aksi masa ",
    kamu beli dimana bukunya ? sekarang masi ada yang jual nggak ya ?
    #mendadak tertarik sejarah soalnya...hehe
